There’s nothing more delightful than a comfortable light walk in the park on a Spring morning…

What we love about Shanghai is that the day starts literally just as the sun is about to rise, so its not unusual to finds 100’s of people in the myriad of parks at 6am- and this is by no means an exaggeration!

Typically parks are full of all age groups enjoying daily leisure activities. However, if you take a closer look, you will see the vast majority of people appear to be over the age of 50! This is surely the secret to a longer life right? A combination of early morning daily exercise linked with community spirit has to be a winning formula towards a healthy mind and body.

A vision of vitality- Older adults at Zhongshan Park

Its a pleasure to take in this positive energy and a privileged insight into how the ‘other half’ live. 

Beautiful displays of artistic movements in every corner

Dancing with swords in the Park

As you know our family has a heavy interest in Martial Arts as the kids do Kung Fu and Taekwondo (the latter being Korean). Its warming to see that Martial Arts is alive in the park practiced by the grandmother’s and grandfathers who come with the serious intention of practice and improvement. A look to the left, and to the right will in all directions, feeds you the visual art of practices of 1000’s of years.

One of my missions personally is to start learning Tai Qi. It may seem slow and gentle, but there are aspects to it that are super challenging and are a great physical and mental fitness.

Tai Chi is great for balance and mental stamina